Helping Others
We strongly believe that sharing knowledge and experiences helps all of us.
This section is purposely designed to share information and practices - some for free and some at an affordable cost.
“Free Stuff”
The Paraclete Group intentionally shares ideas on the business landscape:
Video blogs featuring three things you need to know on a salient topic in a minute or less.
Summary of timely articles as well as citations for more information.
Tips leaders can use in their careers.
“Featuring Now”
The Paraclete video library highlights timely video segments on key areas facing organizations today.
These are more in-depth than the three things in a minute, but are limited to 3 minutes for brevity.
“The Playbook”
This section is designed to provide in-depth review of the tools and tips HR practitioners can use to better serve the most valuable asset in organizations - its people.
This section includes, for a nominal fee, step by step processes using latest tools and techniques. Examples include:
Developing virtual training and development,
Organizational Development in a virtual environment, and
Culture enhancement and change leadership that get results.